(516) 624-7387

64 Pine Hollow Road
Oyster Bay, NY 11771

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Dermatology for Pets

Pet Dermatology

Dogs and cats, like humans, are susceptible to a variety of skin diseases such as diseases of the ear, hair, and nails. If left untreated, dermatological conditions in pets can lead to serious health concerns and leave your pet feeling miserable.

The veterinarians at Oyster Bay Animal Hospital have the advanced training to diagnose and treat most skin problems that may be affecting your pet, including:

  • Allergies, including food allergies and inhalant allergens
  • Chronic and severe skin and ear disease—bacterial, fungal and viral
  • Immune-mediated and hormonal skin disease
  • Skin manifestations of internal disease
  • Parasitic and infectious skin disease, such as sarcoptic mange and Ringworm
  • Yeast Infections
  • Ear mites
  • Skin cander and tumors
  • Feline skin disorders

Our dermatology service includes specialized diagnostics such as:

  • Cytology examination and interpretation
  • Bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial cultures
  • In-house biopsy services
  • Intradermal allergy testing and hyposensitization therapy

Symptoms of Skin Conditions and Allergies in Pets

  • Excessive or constant licking, chewing, biting, scratching, rubbing and/or shaking their head
  • Lesions or hotspots on the skin
  • Hair loss, scabs, or dandruff
  • Noticeable changes in the skin or hair coat’s color or texture
  • A bad odor from your pet’s skin or ears

If your dog or cat has any of these symptoms, please give us a call and schedule a dermatology appointment today.

Pet Dermatology Services at Oyster Bay Animal Hospital

Veterinary Services