Hospice Care
At Oyster Bay Animal Hospital, our compassionate hospice program is centered on the comfort of your pet, and providing education and emotional support for you during the end-of-life-stage. Hospice care may be an appropriate option for your dog or cat if they have been diagnosed with an incurable illness, or if other treatments have declined in providing a quality life for your pet.
Quality-of-Life Consultations
We offer quality-of-life consultations to help determine if your pet’s quality-of-life has severely diminished to the point where you and your family may have to say goodbye to your beloved pet. If you choose hospice care for your pet, we can help you with the transition and what to expect during the process. Our staff will assist you in selecting a treatment plan that meets your pet’s needs and respects your family’s wishes.
At-Home Hospice Care
Oyster Bay Animal Hospital also provides at-home hospice care. Our at-home hospice care includes, but is not limited to: education, pain management, nutritional needs, subcutaneous fluids, incontinence management, and bandage and wound care. All of our veterinarians and staff members are here to make the end-of-life process peaceful, painless, and as stress-free as possible. Please call our office at 516-624-7387 for more information about our hospice and end-of-life care.